Dear Folks:
Oddly enough right now I’m sunning my feet after a refreshing shower. Sounds like I’m relaxing at a winter resort or something doesn’t it, but that is far from the case – you should see the place. Feel better today knowing Dick is alright and will have it easy for awhile – but I guess I told you about that yesterday. Had a letter from you today and you asked about my books. I stored them on Oahu believing I wouldn’t be gone too long and will use them upon my return. They are in a safe place. The watch or the seeds have not come yet but I’m sure they will come no matter where I go.
There are many things to say but no way of saying them. We get the latest news and GI press from ‘Frisco and always listen especially to the news as reported about our own area. And then I hear the enemy version also. Very interesting and often amusing. Well so much for this time. Mention the letters you receive so I’ll know you are getting them all.