Dear Folks:
This is Saturday night, inspections are over, everything cleaned up and now we are spending a quiet evening. A few minutes ago finished a hotly contested bridge game but our side finally came out 30 better and fifty cents richer. Saturday nights usually mean a bridge game while the Hit Parade is going on. We hold the sessions in my room in the back of the billet and just made for such things. News is again slipping off to the leaner side at least as to what I feel I could write about. The office seems to keep up a pretty fast pace. Last week we undertook to do a GI remodeling job and now it looks pretty professional. Keeping account of the records of so many dogfaces runs into quite a lengthy job.
Dick called up last night and we had a drawn out conversation. We made arrangements to spend a weekend together and you can never tell when this may be the last one for along time so better take advantage of it. He seems always in good spirits and looks fine. But regardless of what he thought before, he misses home just as much as I do.
The mosquitoes are about as bad here as they are in Minatare. The billets are screened and we use nets at night but quite a few still bite while sitting around. You know that the day mosquito caused an epidemic of dengue fever for a while and parts of Honolulu were quarantined, and it may break out again if some precautions aren’t used. They say infected mosquitoes probably camp up on airplanes from the South Pacific and brought it here.
Received two pairs of GI glasses so have three now and fitted to the latest eye vision. These GI’s don’t look too good but they are certainly durable and can take a beating. I think my vision has gotten a little worse since I’ve been in but only a very little.
Had a letter from B. Emick a few days ago. I think he’s in another romantic tangle with that WREN in London. Wherever he goes I guess he always makes out with the womenfolk. Competition is terrific over here and I never get close enough to smell the powder on one. Well this isn’t what you could call a good letter but at least it will keep you informed and (a) little less anxious and I guess that’s a big part of it so goodnight for a little while.