Dearest Folks:
I don’t know how I’m going to fill two pages but at least I’m going to attempt it. I suspect the number one issue is the wedding. Received your letter before I did Katie’s about the event, so it wasn’t until tonight that I answered it. Things like this are inevitable, but now that they are coming into reality for some darn reason, I begin to get sentimental about it all. I wish Katie the very best and I hope their venture turns out with the same success as you and Dad enjoyed. All our squabbles and disagreements don’t strike me as something to be regretted, but rather as something that colored our lives and made the family circle binding and effective. Really regret (that) I can’t be there for the wedding and especially to put my arm around you when you begin to cry after the ceremony, and not least to meet Tommy and get in on the festivities.
I’m the same guy you kissed goodbye in [Camp] Stoneman. Was on pass yesterday and aside from a swim accomplished exactly nothing. Ate a casserole of steaks and sat in the USO building, squalling in the layroom tent now, listening to some football scores to the hit parade. Got my GI specs today—look like an insect with bulging eyes. Good glasses though. Another sheet would exhaust me.