Dear Folks:
Just a few brief lines to acknowledge your last letter and end the week up with a clear conscious. Received the check for 12/50 and the statement. It will come in handy. Our mail is certainly getting back and forth in good time. I received one letter from you and couldn’t believe my eyes when I read the date stamp next to the return address which is what everyone looks at first. This afternoon I had occasion to go to headquarters and I traveled the hi-way from a four lane one and crammed with vehicles. Your eyes would probably bulge to see the great activity everywhere. It certainly must be a blow to see so many close friends get billed[?] as was Waite and the others. I see the Free Press has started to carry the pictures and maybe the ones of Redding, Goolsby, and Petron will bring the war a little closer to some people. The Carrolls’ and Fry’s seem to be having a big round of dinners and parties—they are lucky to all be together. I keep telling myself a crack at a furlough will come up this year, let’s hope. Had a bridge game tonight and came out on top. I’m improving. Well goodnight for this time. I hope Dick can come around tomorrow.