Dear folks:
Had a nice letter from Dad today so I feel like I better answer it. I could feel in the letter that you are worrying a lot, and more than you really should, because I’m sure everything will come out alright.
Nobody is talking anything else these days but discharge and rotation since the WD announced it’s new plan. But I keep feeling that someone along the line will put the kibosh on it. It seems like this outfit seldom gets a break. Today we got a furlough quota of 2 while almost everyone in the battery is eligible. You see how tough it is to get one. This is the first quota since back on Tinian. It seems like all this stuff is meat dangled in front of you but you can never quite reach it. But what I am chiefly interested in is that something takes effect before I get in another operation.
Had a letter from Aunt Edna and one from Pat today. So I rated pretty good on the mail. But I should (since) I’m trying to keep it coming by writing often. Still no mail from Wylma, can’t figure it out—at least an answer.
Early this morning the Japs sent some shells this way but it didn’t last long. The shellings are less frequent than before. According to the radio, they have killed over 38,000 Japs which is a pile of them. An infantryman told me they counted 537 Japs in one cave. As an idea of how the Japs are dug in, is well illustrated by the story D. Carroll told me. He said he saw one cave dug in a hillside capable of holding 25-30 vehicles. You can imagine how hard it is to dig them out. They use slit trenches as deep as 20 feet and pillboxes two or three stories with several exits and entrances. The hills are honeycombs of tunnels and fortified caves. But despite the better fight in the Southern end, there is great construction activity on the other, and every night the lights look like a fair sized city. When an air raid sounds one by one the lights snuff out. Then comes the buzz of a plane and suddenly the sky fills with streams of tracers, bullets, and more often than not, the plane bursts into flames and crashes. We watch the show and pull like hell that the gunners will get him. If they do, we cheer and if they don’t we think they aren’t worth a damn.
Well, so much for tonight. Tomorrow is Sunday and I hope we can have church services. We probably will. Dick is okay and so am I. I’m feeling good.