Dear Folks:
Maybe if I hurry I’ll have time to write you a few lines before show time. It’s raining again and I don’t think that will make any difference to the customers. A few minutes ago received my absentee ballot and a letter from Mom. I will vote ‘no’ also on the prohibition proposal. I think I’ll mail it in although I know very little about what’s going on or who the candidates are.
By the sound of your letter you must have the house finished now and I’m glad you’re not moving. I know a little time at home would be good for Dick and I and I hope I’ll be lucky enough to draw a furlough soon. The rotation system seems to be working now. That is a deal whereby you return to the states after at least 36 months overseas service and I still have about 11 months to go. It’s quite a matter for discussion and it’s what everyone is thinking about. I hope it’s still working when my time comes.
I’ve heard the news about the raids on Luzon and Formosa and other islands and it does sound good. We’re almost across the Pacific now. It seems impossible that only about 1,500 miles away is Japan – that’s not very far as distances go over here.
I don’t remember what else I can write about. My watch runs perfectly and I never need to set it. Feeling entirely normal again after the dengue. Well it’s about show time so I better grab my raincoat and take off. So goodnight once again.