Dear folks:
Time to write you a few lines before another day ends. I was deeply affected by the news of the President’s death this morning and it seems impossible that such a great man and one so close to the heart of the people, has passed away. The world certainly has lost a great man, and it will be a long time before history can replace him.
From the radio and news reports you must be receiving of the fighting here, you can tell it must be a hot spot. I have seen several Jap planes shot down and heard the whine of their artillery shells. The days are not so bad but I sometimes get a little jittery at night. A foxhole can become damn important, a hole in the ground but a blessed little hole.
Am feeling fine and eating good. Went to church a day or two ago, a little hard to hear for the firing and uncomfortable sitting on gas cans. The chaplain gave me an Episcopal prayer book and I read it.