Dear Folks:
If you could see me writing this one you might get a good laugh—sitting on the floor using a stack of books for a back prop and a cracker box for a desk. Now you’ve got the setting, get set for some dopey dogma. Since the last time I sent you a letter I’ve received three of yours so it’s a good time I got ambitious again and one from Dan and Dick.
To get underway—what you really want to know about. Managed to make it to church last Sunday then tackled a vahine at a hoedown. She danced like an epileptic fit but I’m no Astair. The remainder of the week could be covered in about one word “ditto”. My mail has been on the lookin’ up side. I got squalmy one nite when the stars were dishing out and wrote a letter to Wylema. Said she dropped you a note about it. Guess I’m still a Houdini puzzle.
All the words about Katie’s jump takes on the scope of a witch dance—wished I was operating one of the drums but you know that.
I finally adopted an edition of “Shake Hands with the Dragon” that you mentioned. Haven’t got the dust from it yet.
Now don’t ration your stationery on me. Everyone I answer. You’re doing swell and I got plenty of ink too.
This covers it again I guess. Again soon I’ll take a three hour barah(?) and devote it all to you.
I’ve got more memories than mosquito bites and I need eight arms to scratch ‘em.