Dear Folks:
It isn’t long until hay time but perhaps I can get a few lines thrown together before the lights are out. I just came back from the show and it was “The Lure of the Islands”. It drew a lot of desultory (?) comments from the crowd. It is much more romantic than it actually is.
The month is half gone and I can hardly believe it. Nor can I realize it is 1943. I wonder where I would be if all this hadn’t happened but I guess that is foolish speculation. I wished I had a technical camera to round up a bunch of shots of flowers and trees. They are really beautiful and I’d give a lot to see a few in our backyard. There are more darn varieties and some are always in bloom. In some places the roads are lined on either side with banks of blossoms.
My mail has been slack lately but quess I haven’t been writing much. Suppose you have heard of the new postal regulations on packages and letters.
I spend the bulk of every evening reading or going to the show. The library in town is fairly well stocked so on pass I take care of my reading material. There is also a free traveling library that makes the rounds every two weeks.
I know you must feel there isn’t very much in what I write but activity is so routine, news is at a premium. But I think about home all the time. As a matter of fact, I was accused of talking of it in my sleep and know now there isn’t a better place in the world.
Well it’s adios until another time but let’s hope our battle of the inkwells ends before too long,