Dearest Folks:
No show tonight and I have about (an) hour to spend before hitting the hay so I should be able to get a few letters finished. Received my last one from you a few days ago, but haven’t had much time to do any writing since then. Today was Sunday and I had expected to put in some leisure time watching a ball game or playing volleyball, but neither materialized. Have been going strong all day and it looks like we will keep up the pace for a while. The paper war is still going strong. Well for all they ride it and cast humorous aspersions at it, I still think it is pretty important and at some time in the future perhaps a good many arguments will be settled over them. We have not been paid in five months and preparing a payroll covering that length of time is quite a long and arduous job. Well I think that (is) enough shop talk. Now to my very limited personal life.
Yesterday went to Saipan on a ‘duck’ which is a two and a half ton amphibious truck. Pretty convenient machines – you just drive till you hit the water and then start the propeller going and there you have a boat. But they don’t move very fast and it was about a two hour trip. After taking care of a small amount of official business at the Finance Office, hitchhiked up Jack’s way and had dinner and then spent part of the afternoon with him. It was his day off so we took off our clothes, sat, sweated and talked, and there was a lot of talking done too. This time we discussed Jack’s love life and dwelt on the probable paths that Emick and Chambers and I will take, also. And then we got around to what our postwar plans were. Jack seems undecided between going to a photo school in Los Angeles or back to the University. And I’m undecided about taking a world tour (haven’t I had enough already?) and just taking it easy or going back to school. I hope you put the pressure on to go back, and Dick too. Probably that’s what I’ll do, although if I were to go back now I think I would feel a little funny somehow. It’s rather unexplainable but the circumstances seem a little different now. We were also a little irritated about the reports of civilian laxity back home and their little regard for the war, but I think it’s all pretty human and natural. But it seems to be a growing topic of discussion.
I haven’t seen Dick for quite some time now you know and I suspect he’s no longer around. I wrote to him about three weeks ago and haven’t got a reply yet. Even though he’s been gone only a short time I sure long to see him again. He’s such a good guy and I hate to see him run into any more trouble the same as you do. About his letter with the ‘beefing’ in – I don’t think he’s much different than many others. He used to talk to me about the subject and in many ways he is right. I’m surprised that the War Department would write about his injury since it was so light. And it would have to ruin your Denver vacation. That scrap he got into was certainly a rough one, and when I think about it I wished some people back home could have had a glimpse of the sordid scenes of Saipan when things were the hottest. I was just interrupted by the air raid sirens, and things were blacked out in a hurry but nothing showed up and now I can see again. The Nips haven’t given any trouble in the air since the battle ended. I heard the news yesterday about the Task Force strike near Manila. Sounds good and the noose is tightening quickly now. Another interruption, and this time a good one, a fellow just brought me a letter from Mom, a good long one and full of good stuff to write about. Whenever you hear any little gossip about somebody I knew or any clippings, be sure and give me the lowdown. Your first paragraph was about Dick and I believe I explained that pretty well a few days ago. I don’t know anything about the trouble or whether Dick received his box – I haven’t seen him in quite a while. Yeah, I am having a ‘spitting’ good time with all the seeds – the problem though is too keep the ants away. The major has been very good to me and loaned me his jeep to take Jack around the island last week. I’ll explain the circumstances some day. And I often wonder about why some people get the breaks as you say and seemingly don’t deserve them, but that often seems the case, and it doesn’t do any good to think about it. So the Carroll’s took off – that’s spotlight news. By the way Jack and I really get warmed up on how Duane is helping win the war. It’s hard to imagine him in the army with as many furloughs and leaves he has had. And probably Mrs. Carroll is anxious to expound on his experiences and army career. And Mildred Fry – that’s hot stuff too – we talked about her too, but it wasn’t all good.
It made me good to know that you remembered just how long I have been in – and last night I was saying this will be the 4th Christmas away from all of you. The wonderful feeling of being free again I believe is beyond your imagination, and sometimes it seems hard to tell myself that it’s bound to be over someday. Well I’m going to taper off for tonight and I’ll be looking for some more mail from you tomorrow.