Dear Folks:
I know you must be anxious to hear from me and now is a good time to get it done. I just had some ice cream from the canteen then shaved and showered so I feel pretty good now ready to be quiet for the rest of the evening.
Thursday we left Fort Lewis and the next day arrived at an embarkation camp near Pittsburgh and about 30 miles from Frisco. It is a brand new place and the barracks swell, but they are painted dark OD and don’t look very impressing. Incidentally our CO said this morning that during our trip someone had burned 300 feet of thistle in the mountains and we were re-routed—shows the need for secrecy I guess. Since we have been here we have had two physical inspections on eyes, teeth, heart, etc. By the way the dentist said my teeth were sound but that the army could make no allowance for the broken tooth. This all seems to indicate that we will be moving soon—understand that two of our batteries are leaving immediately then we will follow. Again I’ve rejected hope for furloughs, tough as it is.
The kitchen here serves cafeteria style and requires 60 kp’s. The canteen is practically in our backyard–that comes in handy in off hours. This morning we had to sign slips to the effect that we understood that any AWOL, even for a short time, constituted desertion and we are liable for execution or loss of citizenship and a dishonorable discharge. Guess it has to be that way though.
Passes are tough to get and I have little hope of getting out to see Frisco.
Everything seems pretty much the same at least as much as possible. I can’t seem to find much to write about even though you probably think I should fill a book. Suppose the sleeping bag has reached you by now.
All I can think of is a little time off with all of you and loafing around home and when I think of all the time in the past when we could have been granted them, it sort of irks me that before we left Lewis all organizations not subject to overseas duty were authorized to grant 15 day furloughs.
Probably I’ll write again tomorrow being Sunday with little to do, so maybe I can write a little more.

PS I have been promoted to Private First Class so put PFC in front of my name. Also don’t forget to use APO 1288.