Dear Folks:
I really owe you some apologies for not writing for the past five days and I don’t know why I didn’t either. Your letter with the flower came yesterday and the flower was in good shape and preserved well. Also the clippings of the marriage and the shower. I can imagine what probably happened on the big day. Christmas is scarcely a week away it hardly seems possible. And another birthday too. Time certainly is fleeting. I believe the big attraction of our holiday will be an Hawaiian festival which is a roasting of chickens and pigs in a ground oven. And I understand a native will be the chef. Maybe he can cook the army out of them.
I’m glad to hear that Dick is in the Air Corps. It is the best place for him I believe. It makes me feel a little funny to have him in, but the feelings aren’t primary I guess.
Today the paper came out so here’s a copy for you to keep for me for some future reference. I don’t have the piece of wedding cake yet. The cable must have made good time to get to you the day after Thanksgiving. That reminds me of the one you sent to me in (Camp) Stoneman.
I think the three page deal last nite will compensate for the ‘shortie’ tonight. I would sure like some more stationery like that—you sent in the boxes. One box is still on the way.
And I always think of you too—