Dear Folks:
The mail dammed up for a while and today the dam broke and a deluge of letters came – at least it seems that five is a deluge. I had been wondering what (was) the matter but knew that it wasn’t your fault. Two came from you and one from Dad. Your letters are the only ones I pay any real attention to and the ones I look for the most. Also had a letter from Helen Barton Hartnett in Lincoln. She has a brother in the Air Force here and I saw him last December. Guess I better dig out the letters and see what I can put together. I’m glad you heard the Army Hour Program and about the Jungle Center here. You guessed pretty good. I wish I could tell you more about it. Although I didn’t hear the program I hope they did it justice, for it is certainly something. It must seem like old home week around there with Gram and Gramp back with you. I certainly hope they will find all they expect to in the farm, and that Gram doesn’t become to sick to enjoy it.
I read in the Free Press about the hot basketball team and Phil being high point man, and now your letters tell me that the team is going to Lincoln. It reminds me of the fall when I was at the university and saw the boys lose out by one point for the championship. I hope they come through and this time bring the bacon home.
You sound like you are really keeping busy with the Red Cross and getting the house cleaned up. But even with this I imagine you don’t have all the work you used to have riding herd on the five of us. What a busy bunch of years those must have been for you.
Yes, meeting anyone from the North Platte Valley would seem good. Anyone from Nebraska is a rarity here and even if they live four hundred miles away you can usually find something in common to talk about.
Dick called last night and it looks like we may be able to spend the weekend together although very little is certain. Monday he came in for a short visit and had supper with me. I know you are anxious to know something about him but I couldn’t intimate whether he may leave or not, and if I could say anything it would at most be only as the rumors have it. The prospect of seeing India appeals to me for having seen Hawaii, I want to get a look at more places of the world. It seems funny to us here how so many troops are still stationed in the states and especially outfits as what Berg must be in. And reading in the Free Press about fellows back on furlough brings a good howl.
When I first read about Swindell getting mixed up with the FBI over the draft deferments I had to laugh good and hard, but then thought I would like to choke everyone like him. Perhaps when I was drafted I should have offered to slip him a hundred bucks or so and maybe I would still be around. Perhaps the trial will bring out some even more surprising facts. How did they happen to catch up with him – did someone squawk after paying him?
Right now I’m deep in an outline of one of the law books I received and every evening I finish a page or two. It’s a big job but self-satisfying knowing our time is not being entirely wasted. Give Grandma a good kiss for me and my best hopes that she will get better quick. She has always been so kind to me that I kick myself for remembering the times I’ve been unkind towards her. I know it must be an effort for her to write and I do appreciate it. And the same goes for Gramp too. Well, quess this is ‘pau’ until the next time. As you never sit down at the table without remembering something or me so I never go to bed without thinking of you and wondering just how I would act the first minute I could walk in the door, and say hello to you both.