Dear Folks:
A few moments to scribble you a few lines and answer your letter that came today. Yesterday (Sunday) I spent with Dick and had dinner with him. In the afternoon we witnessed an exhibition of tennis between Bobby Riggs, world’s (tennis) champ and the CPA champ. We enjoyed it very much—some pretty sizzling games. That was too bad about Jim getting broke but it happens everyday and too different degrees of violation according to the Commanding Officer. I would like to see Dick get a break too but I’m sure it is thru no fault of his and conditions are different in outfits and sometimes not so readily appreciated by above on the outside. I read in the paper about your tea and remarked about it. I’m glad the flowers arrived on the right day but I wished the flowers could have been from Hawaii. I haven’t seen any WAC’s myself but once in awhile a fellow on pass sees one and then we discuss that thoroughly. The general opinion seems to be that we would all disown any of our female relations that joined the WACS and perhaps most of it is just talk. Don’t believe I would go for it.
I believe it’s so long for tonight. I think more of you everyday and especially as the possibility of war days become more apparent.