Dearest Folks:
Your letters are beginning to pile up again so that means get busy and get a few letters written. News is (as) scarce as an axis victory but maybe I can bluff along enough to make up a letter. I hope your vacation in Denver was a good one and different from the first one I remember. That was the time the whole crew went and more time was spent keeping our noses counted than looking at scenery. I’m making a nuisance of myself with the mail orderly inquiring about the books, but I’m just over anxious I guess. I guess you know I also enlisted Gram into my cause and she has succeeded in finding the one I asked for. I can’t go to many shows in the future, if I expect to do what I want to.
You should see the area here. The fruit is beginning to ripen and there are many varieties. The avocadoes, figs, bananas, peaches, lemons, oranges, limes are loading the trees down and the ripened fruit lays all over the ground. I understand the area was leased from a man who put considerable money and time into fruit trees and shrubbery, and the results always remind me of old man Scott and the success he had with his place. I’d give everything I have for a half dozen of those trees. Then the flowers are beginning to bloom again and the road to town is lined in many places with bright blossoms on both sides.
I took pictures some time ago, as a matter of fact I had forgotten about them. The event was a luau, not in my battery, but in another that I was invited to. They are nothing extra but they might recall something when I’m a civilian again. Sorry this is to short but can’t seem to do better.