Dear Folks:
I just got back from pass only a little while ago and now before I do anything else this evening maybe I can get to writing you once again. But before I got back I departed with a goodly share of my lettuce (money) gone. I found the table covers that you wanted and hope that they will be to your liking. They showed me two kinds and I couldn’t make a choice so I bought both. They cost a good deal so they should be pretty good. But that wasn’t the end of my shopping. I saw several other things that I thought might look nice around the Moss manor, so kept on going. Besides the cover, there was a pair of trunks for Phil, a salt and pepper set, a sewing kit and a small souvenir surf board. I almost bought dad a banana leaf hat but I ran out of dough too soon. I’ll do that next month.
Aside from this bit of shopping I saw a show and ate a couple of my favorite lettuce and tomato sandwiches. I called it a day on this and rode the last bus back to camp. The bus was packed to the windows with school kids and it was only a great deal of twisting and squeezing that I got on and off. Supper was especially good tonight with chicken and noodle soup topped off with biscuits. Apparently the butter shortage is biting us too, for we haven’t had any for quite a while now. One thing that is very frequent on the diet is dehydrated foods that you have probably read quite a bit about. Eggs for an example are somewhat stronger than the fresh but it is scarcely noticeable after a few helpings. Cabbage, onions and potatoes are others. The other day at the kitchen I noticed a discarded beef carton with the Cook Packing Company of Scottsbluff written on the side. During mess it was announced that any complaints about the braised beef should be carried to me, when they found out I am a Nebraskite. I guess this is everything for this communique tonight. Everything is getting brighter and the dawn won’t be far off now.