Dear Folks:
Better get busy with another letter before I get too far behind. A pretty decent sort of day today and I felt more like working. After supper tonight had another shot in the arm – I believe it’s to counteract worms on stomach ailments. My stomach is pretty well shaped up now and I’m eating a little more.
More packages came in today but I couldn’t rate. At least it looks like they know where we’re at and perhaps they will be coming in better order. Many of the boxes today were busted open and stuff was scattered all over the ground. You sure have to wrap them good. But I did get another August Free Press and an August Reader’s Digest. There must be at least 5 more somewhere. And I’ll tell you something else you can send me – a good wallet. This weather is pretty tough on them and mine is pretty beat up. The watch is really okeh – several times it was soaked in salt water and more often it was dusty etc, but it always comes out okeh.
I know you must be wondering about a lot of things but I’m afraid I can’t answer many questions. I hope if Farley does come this way he can look me up but as you say the Philippine
Islands cover a lot of territory and perhaps we can’t get together. Almost got a transfer and a promotion last week but at the last minute some changes were made so it didn’t materialize. Perhaps it will yet develop. Went to our local barber who has his business located under a banana tree and got a close clip. Have had my haircut short for a long time.
This really isn’t much of a letter but I guess that doesn’t mean a lot. Hope some mail will come in tonight – one is due from Mom. Keep hoping ’45 is my year.

Dan Gettman came around last nite and we talked over the ‘old country’. Said his mother had moved to Idaho for the winter. Told him about Prester but he didn’t know him.