Dear Folks:
I’m back from my ‘vacation’ and so much has happened hardly know where to begin this treatise. Almost need an outline to organize it. In the first place I caught my bus at eleven Friday nite and arrived in San Diego eleven thirty Saturday morning. The trip there was in one way uneventful but on the other hand saw Hollywood including many of the nationally famous entertainment houses. Loyd met me at the depot and went immediately to Coronado where Grandma was overjoyed to see me. Granny got off work about 5 and we talked about everything. Both look the same as ever and seem to be very contented. Of course my big moment came in the evening and Loyd and June and I began the rounds of the nite spots. Went into the Towers, San Diego’s ultra-modern building, which has been built since you were there. Also took in Sherman’s, the Gay Nineties and even a burlesque show—and boy what a show. We came back fairly early though around two thirty. I almost forgot we also went to the Rainbow Gardens and saw plenty a plastered sailor. Sunday morning two of the fellows I met in Fort Leavenworth came over and we all ate together. Hoffman’s and the E.M. Johnsons and Helen also came over in the morning.
But my ride home was certainly anything but uneventful. At Los Angeles I was forced to sit down by an old woman who later, as we became friendly, took over your place until I got back to camp. She was a fairly wealthy woman, a Norwegian immigrant some forty years ago and a woman with a delightful brogue of the Swedes and Norwegians. She was very interested in me and gave me barrage after barrage of questions concerning the camp, entertainment for the soldiers, our living conditions and a thousand other things. She told me all about her life in Norway; as we inevitably approached the question of the younger question. She was notably lacking in many age old traditions that old people have, but at the same time still held on to such ideals as people from the old country possess. But the greatest surprise came when she finally confided in me that she was on her way to be married! At sixty-four! She was bubbling over about their honeymoon tour of the nation and said they originally planned to travel around the world. She was very sweet and of course asked me all about you folks; and called me a darling when I told her I had just visited my grandparents. She is so vitally engrossed with the younger generation.
But something tragic later happened. Outside of Los Angeles saw a horrible auto wreck and went to sleep on the bus trying to forget it. Suddenly the bus stopped and when I looked out saw a very gruesome sight. Yes another wreck between a semi-trailer with two horses aboard and a brand new Chrysler carrying a woman and two men. They had (been) hit almost directly head-on. The woman was crying frantically waving her arms and wiping the blood from her face. I was in the front seat of the bus so the driver and I were the first ones there. The horses had their legs broken and one man was lying face down pinned under the car and we didn’t know whether he was dead or not. But first we had to get the man out of the seat as the car was ready to flame up any minute. We had to cut his pants off. I was plenty sick afterwards but at the time thought I did pretty good. All the people were afraid to act but finally stirred them to action, I practically pulled the man out myself. Later we got the man from under the car and did all we could for them. Finally the cops and the ambulance came to take them away. I’ve thought about it all day.
To get to the brighter side, today started on our radio work in earnest. I know it’s going to be very interesting.
We have Thursday off for Thanksgiving so will have a little more time off.
Anyway had a good time with Grandma and Gramp. She gave me some fruit to bring back and Loyd gave me some initialed watches with cuts that say “Private Moss’ on them.
Well goodnite folks, have to get up at five tomorrow to go on a 100 mile trip for blacktop. Keep up the good work. See you in the next letter.
All my love,