Dear Dad:
I received your typewritten V-mail today and to attest to my vow of early reply, here I come. Your letter was very interesting and I took a long time reading it. Your free style manner of detail and continuity add a punch of zest and life. Anyway I like ‘em bushels and you should write more often. In case you haven’t guessed, to write a lengthy and appealing letter over here is quite a task and often I quit in disgust. I hope you liked what I sent a while back but I think you will go more for what I sent yesterday. As a result I am on a precariously balanced budget for the rest of the month, but that is nothing new. And I had a great deal of satisfaction in sending them. I’m drawing seventy-nine bucks every thirty days now so I plan to increase my allotment to about thirty-five dollars. By the way I’m a corporal now. That’s where the extra dough is coming from. I hope the bonds have started to come regularly now. Tonight, or the forepart of it, was very unusual. For the first time in the Army I got into a bridge game and by a real stroke of luck came out on top. It was contract so I did more guessing than anything else. My partner and I worked together like a pistol and a wheel. Today two Free Presses came but I couldn’t figure out the handwriting on the wrapper. The Reader’s Digest also came. Since the latest postal regulations, mail has been slower and not so frequent but on the whole it is pretty good. Perhaps you wouldn’t think it would get very chilly here but I’m using an overcoat and raincoat along with three blankets. If I had a mattress it would seem much warmer though. In my estimation a bed is man’s best friend and when I get home I’m going to stretch in all four directions at one time. The war news seems to be changing color every day and I’m earnestly reviving hopes of a homecoming in early 1944. This is the end of the communiqué tonight. In a way I hate to stop but I couldn’t think of anything anyway. I’ll buy you a banana leaf hat for your garden this summer.