Dear Folks:
Boy have I got a lot to time to write now. I’m in the hospital. Remember the infantiago I told you about well, it failed to clear up after about a month’s treatment so the battalion doctor decided to send me to a specialist. Hope I’m not cooped up here long or I think I’ll go nuts—just came in this morning and slept most of the afternoon and played rummy this evening. I thought the stuff was almost cleared up—just have a small spot below my lower lip and at the edge of my mouth, but the doc decided to do something about it. I’m in a skin clinic in a ward where there are many other cases of skin diseases of all kinds. The nurse just came in a few moments ago—a pip-and the boys all had humorous remarks to make. Already I wish I was back with the outfit. I feel so helpless or something and really nothing’s the matter with me. Hope I get out soon but in these army hospitals sometimes it’s hard to get out.
Well I’ll probably write tomorrow again to kill some time and give some personal reflection on army life. So till tomorrow.