Dearest Folks:
Well, there has been another lapse in my writing but there hasn’t been a change in my habits but a change in the training schedule. Interruptions are becoming more frequent and sometimes it isn’t always easy to find time to write. Also haven’t seen Dick for a week but am expecting to get a phone call tonight. Hope we can get together in a few days. I know you have had a birthday and Dad one soon, and Dick and I plan to fix up a box with a little of everything in it. Today was Palm Sunday but I couldn’t do anything about it—the circumstances precluded it.
Tonight I received a batch of Star-Heralds from Dan Gettman so had to glance thru them. Most of the fellows are from New York and California and when another fellow from Coldwater, Kansas and I discuss our small town life, they think it’s quite a joke. When I came across an item about an overseas soldier getting a furlough I mentioned it and that always draws a laugh or a divisive sneer.
I thought you might be a little interested in the clipping I cut from the Honolulu Adventurer of this Sunday. At one time or another I have been to most of them (attractions). These Hawaiian names might look difficult but they are very simple to pronounce.
There’s a lively, silly, conversation going on around me about the Army and us dogfaces that make it up. One GI sitting on the other end of my bunk is re-reading his wife’s letters and making some witty amusing remarks. He’s been here for over two years. This business of troop rotation gets quite a bit of discussion but few favorable comments are expressed.
Received two letters from you last week and also one from Nancy. I certainly look forward to them. There are so many things I would like to tell you about and experiences I have had but I can’t do that. Many of my letters must sound dry and newsless but actually I’m not spending the vacation the letters may suggest. About the AAL taking my job – no, I don’t think that is possible. Gee, you must think I’m not a fighting man—ha-ha. The WAC’s sure get cussed and discussed in this group. Sure we’d like to have a dozen or so. You know that recently a detachment arrived in the islands and they immediately caused a big flurry. Dick was telling me about a tough buxom sergeant he saw. Most of them go to the Air Force who usually have everything.
As I was writing Dick phoned and I was glad to talk to him for a few minutes. It certainly is a lucky coincidence that we can be so near each other and just by picking up the phone get in touch with him. He is expecting to go on pass Tuesday and we want to make that day a big one.
Well, I haven’t said a lot in this mess but it’s some sort of a communiqué, so until the next time I miss all of you so much and am busting to see home again.