Dearest Folks:
I’ve really been slackening up writing you and I don’t know why-guess time is going faster than I realize, but lately I have been working in a personnel office and there are many things to find out that I didn’t know. It’s pretty good work—I hope I like it and make out good. Cinemas are available every night here and instead of staying in the billet, writing and reading like I should, I takeoff for the theatre and swat mosquitoes between shifting my aching posterior. The one tonight was a solid murder muddle.
Yesterday was one of those days again that mean a little respite from the routine—it was the first and I was on pass. Ate a good heap of grub then took off for town. Went to the dance at the gym and for the first time the ratio of she’s to he’s wasn’t so great as the last time. Went quite a few rounds and almost didn’t make it back in time.
Here are a few pictures I took when I was on pass. The pictures of the stage and the meal were all taken during the ‘luau’ that I told you about. Most of the fellows seem to be surveying the offering with a quizzical curiosity. I took one of myself with a tentacle of squid dangling from my mouth but apparently it didn’t turn out. The hat I’m wearing is a native boy’s version in palm leaves of a Dobbs cross-country. In some of the pictures you can see the cloud formations I was telling you about.
I had a letter from Dick a few days ago sent from Oklahoma but he didn’t say enough to tell much what he was doing. I hope the next one will be a little more comprehensive. Had a two page manuscript from Gram and a card from the Peters. I never have answered any of the cards sent to me for Christmas and I better make a resolution and do something about it.
It’s really hard to write a letter-or at least it is for me-so little happens that is not patterned and too, I can’t mention everything. But things are very comfortable, good housing, good food and enough facilities for recreation. That’s my version although it might not be everyones. There are all kinds of predictions pro and con on the war topic but the news seems to be looking up-at least as we hear and read it-and I believe it is, although what is ahead will undoubtedly be the toughest.
Now I’m coming to the end of this and that’s always the most difficult part—how to end a letter properly. Maybe I won’t be so crude and unconscious of the time and trouble mixed in my recipe for the last twenty years or so when this is over. I know I want to get back and go to school again. I think about you all the time. Goodnight.