Dear Folks:
A quiet Sunday morning and I’m taking it easy so a good time to write a letter and perhaps take care of some others. Will probably go to church services this afternoon held in the mess hall across the road. Last Sunday listened to a very good divisional chaplain. The Catholic chaplain who serves our battalion strikes me as a very understanding and likeable fellow, and I think he is the best we’ve had. I hope he comes this afternoon.
Well it was rainy yesterday and everything is mud again but this morning is hot and sunny like a typical June Sunday at home. I even feel the mood of the day, and the morning funnies would complete the setting. But instead of funnies had service records to look at.
Haven’t received any mail the past three days due to the inclement weather. The first class comes in by the plane so if it’s dirty weather, no mail. Should rate several today. No second class has yet come in.
Dan Gottman came in a few days ago with an armload of Star-Heralds and only yesterday I finished reading them. Only a few of them were later than September so everything was pretty old, but still good.
Last nite afforded something a little different in the way of eats. Supper was (a) little weak so we fried a can of bacon that we’ve been lugging around for some time. It’s the best bacon and it was certainly enjoyed. To top this we ate fruit cake that one of the boys received. Each section has a small one burner cook stove so we can heat up a meal when we’re not eating from the kitchen. Probably tonight we will cook the popcorn that the Groves sent me, if we can find anything to substitute for butter. Once in a while we get a PX issue of a few candy bars. The cigarette shortage seems to be felt here also. Now we are issued one pack every two and sometimes three days and that isn’t near enough. Plenty of smokes for the fighting front doesn’t apply here. Have been expecting a hurricane but it hasn’t materialized yet.
Slept pretty well last nite in contrast to a few restless ones. These dark nights make me afraid some Japs may bust in the area and start shooting things up. I imagine they are pretty desperate and hungry now. I always keep my pistol loaded under my pillow together with my knife. Of course we’re pretty well protected but I still wake up easily when I hear a sound.
For the past three nights have been dreaming of getting home. I hope it’s an indication. Last night I dreamt of hitting the streamliner from ‘Frisco and was nervous as a cat. But I can’t help but feel that something will happen that will get me home this year. After I get in the 30 months bracket my chances will increase. Next month the 3rd I will complete 29.
The Gooks as we call the Filipinos, are working around the area digging drainage holes and cleaning up. It takes about four of them to do an ordinary man’s job. I think they’d be better off working for themselves but a grass hut and a bolo knife seems to satisfy them. (See how I need that pen and pencil set). This one is okeh but it needs a little coaxing occasionally and I’m always using one.
I’m certainly over the dysentery but have a slight cold that keeps my handkerchief busy.
I hope all my mail is getting to you in good order. They seem to censor and dispatch it in good time and I hope they are not too old when they get to you. All the envelopes we get stick together and it’s a job getting them open. Maybe it would be a good idea if you enclosed an airmail envelope occasionally.
I guess I haven’t anything else to write about and it’s about dinnertime now so I’ll knock off, and hope the mailman rings plenty tonight.

Gooks eh. Not nice soldier. Oh well, I still love you and thank you so much for liberating my country. You are a hero to this gook. RIP.
Thank you for your support and understanding.