Dearest Folks:
Just put up the blackouts and now lounging around putting in time on another enemy that is so beautiful that I can hardly think of war. Two letters came today, one from Gram and the other from Nancy, both welcome and read over many times. V-mail is dependable and regular but ordinary mail arrives in batches and usually pretty old. I have to think twice to recall that it is spring at home and that summer is not far off but even here the nights are naturally warmer and the mosquitoes more and hungrier. Right now Harry James is on the air preceded by the news. The news broadcasts are very popular in our billet and in one end we have a large map to keep us geographically posted. The progress and end of the war is subjected to many diverse and peremptory arguments but I would share the optimistic opinion of so many of them. Of course I am well as always and in a great state of morale and consider myself lucky to share the conveniences we do have. I will answer Nancy’s letter soon and thank her very much for it. I guess it’s goodnite now.