Dear Folks:
About an hour before lights out and a good time to get something important done.
Suppose Dad got my telegram last Sunday. I was in Seattle when I sent it. I met a girl at a division dance last week and as she had a car suggested we go to Seattle. We left Saturday noon, and until evening she showed me the town. For supper we went to a waterfront café that was really something unusual for me. I tried some crab legs and to my surprise they were delicious. Later, after dinner, we went to the club she was a member of. After that we took in Seattle’s largest dance ballroom then drove home getting here about three. I had a swell time and it seemed like the old days to ride around in a civilian car. We saw the University of Washington, Boeing Aircraft and plenty of flying fortresses guarded by barrage balloons, some set in people’s backyards. The Boeing plant is camouflaged so that it is hardly visible from the hi-way.
In a couple of weeks we are going to Yakima for maneuvers and later I don’t know where; but believe I will be transferred out before long.
Guess this is about all this time. Send some cookies if you can. I’ll get them. Will write tomorrow.