Dear Folks:
This is my first attempt in several days in writing a letter—but it wasn’t neglect—it was lack of illumination. Now that I have a faint flicker to aide me I’ll try to keep up again. I have received three packages from you and all in first class shape. I can use everything in them to good advantage especially the flashlight. These blackouts are nothing to crow about. I at once feel like a heel and a sentimentalist—getting so much from you and the Christmases before Tajo got tough. I really got bleary-eyed when I opened them. Thanks for every one of them. Thanks to every one of you from a way down where it means something. The V-mail is the first I’ve had in a long time. It is hard to get here. This is written from Dick’s pen and it works perfectly.
Besides your packages I’ve received one from Gram, from Mrs. Carroll, one from KSKY and one from Washington and one from Mrs. Davis in Lincoln to a grant total of eight. Surely I can’t complain. Mrs. Carroll sent a Bible and box of cigars, KSKY, a towel, cigarettes, toothpaste and pocket-knife and Mrs. Davis two decks of cards and a combination flashlight and pencil. With this array of equipment and supplies, I can eat and smoke for three months at least. They all came in the last three days so you can imagine what I’ve been doing. My bed looks like a canteen.
I’ll write again tomorrow to compensate for this short one—if Nancy thinks she’s got the best brother in the world I know I’ve got the (best) folks.