Dear Dad:
I thought I’d write you a letter tonight because you’ve been doing such a good job writing me. For the second time since I’ve been in the Philippines, received mail from you – one from Mom and one from Kate. Not too recent but that doesn’t make much difference. I don’t know how good the airmail service is yet so I’m sticking by V-mail which I know will get there fast. Well this afternoon about three, I took a cooling dip in the ocean – a swell place to swim – it’s better than Waikiki Beach. Reread your letters then went to supper. Probably will see a show tonight. Air raids sometimes force the movie to stop but so far we’ve been able to see every one through. Opposite from where I’m sitting, two Filipino women are pounding rice in holes cut into coconut logs. After pounding it they hold the rice in the breeze and let it blow away the chaff. I certainly wish you could spend a day here and see how they live. About all they eat is fish, rice and coconuts. One girl is 21 and has had five children – nothing slow about them. Of course the money here is pesos and centouos which we are paid in. Haven’t been paid yet but I have some pesos. Two pesos equal one buck.
Mom was inquiring about reassignment. Under the rotation plan you are returned and reassigned but on a furlough you return overseas. Both prospects are getting dimmer as I see it and I don’t look forward to either one although I expect to see something happen after Germany is whipped.
Well, I’ll stop here and get ready for the show. Don’t worry for I’m fine.