Dear Folks:
I’ve been a little slow in writing this time—last week seemed a very fast one. Thanksgiving Day was the hi-spot of the last fast week. Everything was in traditional Turkey Day setting and food was more than plentiful. To give the layout of menu we had of course all the most delicious turkey we could push down, potatoes, candied sweet potatoes with marshmallows, celery, ham, corn, beans, two kinds of pie, two kinds of cake, nuts, cranberry sauce, ice cream, dressing and probably other things I’ve forgotten about. It was all beautifully laid out cooked just right. Unfortunately I was on KP duty all day so had to work the holiday. I ate, as we all did, leftovers and I was almost waddling instead of walking.
Probably the thing that added most to the hurried flight of the week was that our radio training began in earnest on Monday. The first thing of course is to master the international Morse code. We sit at long tables opposite each other and listened by the hour to the code as it comes from the tape. Almost all of the fellows, after the first horn, feel they can’t tell a dot from a dash and will never learn the d— stuff. It does become depressing to hear the constant taboo of the sounds. Also we have classes in map reading, organization and duties of message center personnel, and the different kinds of code used by radio operators. We have three textbooks and a notebook. It’s all very interesting.
But of course what was most looked forward to and what made you all seem closer was the overflowing box. I certainly have a grandiose array of supplies and eats. It was so much appreciated especially when the work and care and money that you put into it was considered. It was a real delight to open it and wonder what each grab would produce. To get such a show of love from home, makes me recall times when my own conduct was anything but appreciation and gratitude in return for the deprivation and care that goes into the building of twenty years in a boy’s life. Anything I could write would be inadequate. But the candy and cookies were really swell and the rest of the items are all necessities that almost certainly are needed.
I guess this covers my past week’s activities, so so long for a while. And I still think I should say thanks again for the box. Mrs. Carroll sent a box of candy so I had 3 in all.
All my love,