Dear Folks:
I have one hour until taps so I’ll let you know what I’ve been doing lately. Yesterday started the rounds of getting equipment and supplies, also medical shots. Took three. Two fellows in our group passed out; one a big lanky rancher from Wyoming. In the afternoon had our first taste of drill. It was very hot and with the shots fazing us, two more men collapsed on their faces. Nope I wasn’t one of them. I hit the hay promptly and slept soundly. Also last nite saw a sex picture and one on personal hygiene. After the interviews was assigned to an office job in the insurance department. Because of this I will probably split up from the group I came from because they got a 21 day hold order [on me]. I may go sooner; I must go eventually. I work from 8 to 12 and have the afternoons off. This keeps me off of KP duty and drill. I watched the boys drill while I sat in the shade. Last nite the corporal came in and woke up 10 men to go on KP duty. It was at four o’clock and when I saw the lights on I groaned and said by golly, I wasn’t going to get up til I heard the bugle. All hate KP duty.
Tonite we all gave the barracks a thorough scrubbing. My household abilities are improving.
Tonite I weighed 136 [lbs] when I was at the canteen. I checked in at 127 [lbs] at Cheyenne. We bathe and shave every day. We must be in bed at nine. I feel fine and looking great. I’ll put a couple pictures in so you can compare them when I get out. I’ll write more later. I’m in my shorts and a guy wants to mail this for me so I’ll write later. Write soon.
Lots of love,