Dear Folks:
Better write again. It’s raining out and sitting here in my pup tent, I may as well do something. It’s so slippery and muddy out it’s almost a feat to walk to chow and back. And the mud is like glue. But I have a dry place to sleep so the rain doesn’t bother too much. Our hut-tent is small but comfortable.
Had a V-mail from Mom today and a letter from Loyd Johnson. It was an old letter and at that time he had only been in two weeks. When Dick was to see me day before yesterday, I gave him all the mail. I had received so (much) I don’t have your letters to comment on. Dick asked me for them almost the first thing. And then he gave me what he had received. I hope he will have time to stop around again soon.
The war news continues to be good and I think that for practical purposes the war in Europe is over. Perhaps that will mean more replacements for the Pacific and then perhaps return home. Was busy figuring points today under the new rotation setup. Once again I feel I will get home this year although it is all problematical.
So much for another time.