Dear Folks:
Regardless of what I have to do I’m going to get a letter off to you today. I think this is the third one I’ve started. And I have quite a bit to write about this time, at least it’s pretty good. In the first place, another Christmas and another birthday have come and gone. The night before Christmas we played bridge, had some cheer, and listened to Roosevelt’s speech. But the real surprise and a most welcome present came at reveille when the commanding officer announced that I was promoted to technical sergeant. It was entirely unlooked for and made my whole Christmas day very happy. At noontime the commanding officer had the first three graders in his quarters for a round of drinks and some toasts to the new year. The drink whetted my appetite and of course later we had the customary meal for the GI epicureans. In the evening I went to a dance in town and there finished off a swell day. Also had a turkey dinner in a hotel. As long as I couldn’t be home, the day couldn’t have been a better one for me. But Christmas eve and the next day I think everyone was doing a lot of thinking about how nice it would be to get home for a while and wonder what the folks were doing and how they were spending their holiday. I hope that next year will bring the war a lot closer to the finish but I’m still pretty pessimistic about an early end. But let’s hope Dad’s predictions come true. And also I wondered how Dick was enjoying his day. I imagine he also had a good time.
When I returned from my pass I had a batch of letters to read and answer and some papers to read. I’m still trying to catch up. I didn’t send many (Christmas) cards this year. Received several from the Lewellen’s, Mrs. Conklin, Sandison’s and some others.
I hope my picture will reach you before long. I couldn’t find a suitable frame for it but hope that you will put one around it. I think it’s a pretty decent one. I will send on to Gram and one to Kate too.
Had my eyes rechecked recently and will soon get two new pairs (of glasses).
Well I hope you and the family had a merry Christmas and had all you could eat. Christmas is a pretty sentimental time when you are so far away from home and I was no different. But I always hope and know that when we all are together again, we will appreciate Christmas more than ever