Dear Folks:
It took a lot of nerve for me to sit down and write you a letter after not writing to you in more than a week, and I know you must feel pretty anxious, and I haven’t any real excuse, I just didn’t do it. And I should have been especially prompt with letters this week. Katie and Tom sent me a whopping big box of cigarettes and a wedding picture, then there was the tobacco and pouch and pipe from you and the stationery, all this in addition to the mail. This is the first and last time such a delay will happen. I received your two page V-letter today. In your letter I recall something about some table napkins and a cover. I had been planning to get a set for you and I will do it next payday. I have seen plenty of nice ones and although some of them are pretty expensive, I’m sure I can get what I want pretty reasonably. I hope my taste don’t fail me. And I will write the letter to Mrs. Peters. I had intended to and I will and soon too. Bringing up rationing, perhaps I should send dad a couple of pounds of coffee. As far as I know, excepting gasoline, there is no food rationing although a supply might not always be available. I guess I did look pretty thin in the pictures and I have lost a little weight since I came home, but I still top a hundred forty. I have a few more pictures and I will send them in a separate letter. I have been getting the Presses and the Digest—it came yesterday. The V-mail supply was very welcome. Its use is advocated and encouraged but it isn’t easy to get very many sheets. Many of the guys don’t like it, but I do. I sent you a few things about three weeks ago and I believe I insured them. There was an India made tray and a necklace, if I remember correctly. I guess I’m getting near the end of the sheet so I better taper off. I’m really sorry for not writing sooner and I know and consider your feelings. It won’t happen again. Thanks isn’t near enough for what you just sent me but I’ll say it anyway.