Dear Folks:
Just a few lines today before I get cleaned up a little and wonder how I’ll spend the rest of the evening. Today was a hot one and sultry too, and you sweat just sitting around, however now I’m in pretty good shape and not wearing down to a shadow as you were afraid of. As a matter of fact, I’m wondering how I will endure the cold weather of Nebraska. I was remarking last night how swell it would be to see some snow or walk through a snowdrift, or look at the stars on a frosty night. Did my washing today, a job I don’t like but its clean clothes for a while. We have our hole fixed up and it isn’t bad at all. Pretty noisy sleeping some nights though. My work is considerably streamlined from what it was in Oahu and there isn’t quite so much paper work to attend to although in my estimation there still (is) far too much.
I see some of the fellows have an ox hooked to an ancient cart and are driving the old beast around howling miscellaneous stuff. It’s surprising how the GI’s can improvise no matter where they go.
In a little while it will be mail time and I hope I rate one or two. The mail system is pretty good, better than I expected however nothing but first class is coming so of course the watch has not arrived yet. (I was writing with a Jap pen and the darn thing gets balky once in a while.)
Dick is still okeh but I won’t be seeing him for awhile.
Not very much this time but I knew you want to know how things are all the time.