Dearest Folks:
I have just finished cleaning up for inspection tomorrow and now perhaps I can write you a something of words before I go to bed. I’m glad you received the things and that you really liked them. I will send the hat in a few days and can get a box made for it. I was interested in your bridge game. We play considerable but we lack plenty of know-how and technique. Besides the movies that is almost the only thing I do in the evenings. I have been listening to the radio for some time tonight. Kate Smith and now Al Jolson and Monte Washington, the radio is pretty moody and to hear it without a lot of interruption is pretty relaxing. I had a nice letter from Gram last week-very sweet. I will answer it tonight.
Next week I plan to grab my camera and hike into the hills and see some things I have been wanting to see for a long time.
I guess I will exit for now—not much of a letter. I think about you all the time and more and more things crop up that reveal so many memories also. Will never forget.