Dear Folks:
Was certainly glad to hear the sergeant call off my name for a letter yesterday. Was good to hear from you.
I’m a typist now in the records and insurance department so that keeps me off KP, drilling and other work. I work only in the mornings.
I’m paling around with an Italian fellow name of Tony Scarpello. He’s a swell guy and we’re getting to know each other very well. He’s from Hannah, Wyoming, and is also an expert machinist.
Tomorrow nite the camp is taking a slug of guys to Kansas City for a dance and picnic but because I’ve been here only 10 days I’m not eligible for a pass. Women are a great rarity around here. Tony and I were looking at one in amazement yesterday and almost missed saluting an officer. We just made it in time.
Over 1200 men have gone thru here this month but the gents will be stepped up as 24 new barrack buildings are being opened next week. I type insurance for all of them and we are plenty busy for a while. I also assemble records.
I took another picture of myself. It’s kind of poor but then—
Berg passed his exam but only after arguing with the officers. He has hay fever. 5 were rejected from our group of 25.
Today the other fellows scrubbed barracks and completely cleaned it. Because I’m on special duty I’m exempt.
Wrote a letter to Katie tonite. Hope she writes soon.
I told Farley hello and he also said hello. I only see him at supper mess and sometimes not then.
The shot in my arm is swelling and festering but all of them are and are taken care of expectly. In a few days we get another. Tomorrow nite will walk around to perhaps shoot a game of pool with Tony.
Well Mom and Dad taps blows in 5 minutes and no fooling around so I’ll close. I think of you all the time. Write soon.
Lots of love,