Dear Folks:
Two of your letters came today, both good news so at least I better knock you out a V-mail at least. Today was a series of incidents and tonight is the kind of night it is nice to take it easy and lay around and reminisce. That was a bad mess that Shirley got into and I feel sorry for her too, although maybe there is two sides. Duane was always rushing women and generally cutting up and perhaps Shirley had some of his characteristics. With all the babies being born back there I feel like I’m losing out. Margie and June K seemed like fabulous girls when I left. And by the way Jack C did get a furlough but haven’t seen him. I certainly enjoy your letters Dad and sometimes Dick gets his copy before I do so I read his or perhaps mine arrives first. Hope Dick and I can see the All Star baseball game Sunday. By the way I have increased my allotment to $85.00 so effective the 1st of May so be sure you get it. Perhaps it will be June when you get the increase. Tonight on the radio the Commanding General announced a furlough plan with those who have two years service overseas. Although I mustn’t allow myself to become over-optimistic at least there is a little something to look forward to. Well enough for tonight.