Dearest Folks:
I’ve neglected you somewhat in the last few days as a result of a change in the battery but I’m back to normal so there shouldn’t be any more delay. I think that this change is a good one for me and possibly may open some opportunities. The fellows are from New York state and have an accent and a manner I hadn’t been around before. But they seem pretty swell and I hope I make out. And here I don’t have to ‘sanitarize’ in a ditch and wait for Saturdays to see a show or cuss a clogged up lantern for light. I hope I have the same opinion of the place a month from today as I do now.
I haven’t heard from Katie since she got her spouse but I guess she’s pretty wrapped up in the newness of the thing. I sure hope they make out okeh. Had two letters from Gram, and I better answer them tonight. I guess I made a mistake when I asked her for “Harper’s”. It should have been the “American Mercury”. By the way, in Gram’s letters she put quite an emphasis on the qualities of Wylma and what I ought to do about it when the brawl is over. Maybe she’s right but I don’t know. I thought I had a letter from Dick today at first glance and I was disappointed when it belonged to another Moss. Dad’s long V-mail came today. If anyone has a literary style, he is certainly the one but that’s unimportant. Wished I could conjure up enough words like he does.
This is really the limit to my effort tonight. There isn’t much to write about. Going to a show in a half hour and digest a “Horse Opera”. Have about four law books now. I’m going to read them if it takes the duration and six months. Just finished one. I hate to say goodnight but it would take me an hour for another paragraph.