Dear Folks:
I have a few minutes to go before bedtime so (will) write you a short note although I don’t know what I’m going to put in the letter. The Christmas spirit has died down pretty much and now it’s the old grind again and a little hard to get back in the swing. A Free Press came tonite and I read the letter from Arden Conklin in the Aleutians. From what I’ve heard I can imagine it’s not too pleasant. Also received your letter with Halsey’s address and I suppose I’ll drop him a line sometime. Also wrote B. Emick but haven’t had a reply yet. Never feel like writing to the fellows for some reason. Hope you have heard from Dick by now. I would sure like to be near him more often but I’m sure he is getting along fine. We had a great time together. In the morning we had our picture taken. We had to go in quite a few places and wait quite awhile and then they did such a hurry job that the picture wasn’t too good but maybe the final will be better than I think. Well the fellows around me are getting ready for bed and this is going to be a great night to sleep and I’ve got to make my bed yet. Not too much to this but I’ll write more letter.