Dear folks,
I’m so tired I could drop but before I do perhaps I can get a short letter off to you. The end of an operation always means a lot of paperwork in way of reports and decorations, so now I’m catching it.
I’m still looking at the pictures you sent whenever I get a little time to myself. Mom looks like she is worrying more than she ought to. I’m very proud of you in your Nurses Aid uniform and like to show it around. I hope in a few months I can remove that worried look or at least some of it. And things seem to indicate that it won’t be long before I can see you. I was awake till twelve last night going over in my mind how it will be when I see you first. Perhaps it will soon be a reality.
I hear we are getting a PX tomorrow, perhaps I can get something besides regular chow.
I wish I could think of something more to write about but I think I better fold up for tonight and perhaps the next one will be some better.