Dear Folks:
This evening seems so quiet and peaceful and I feel so much in the mood to enjoy it that it’s almost too good to be in the Army. This afternoon I spent some time on the beach and I really thought about all of you probably shivering in a cold Nebraska wind. It was a beautiful day and in the setting that reminds me of the postcards you see. The leaves were pretty big and more than once I was sent rolling. Next month I am scheduled to see Dick again if he can make the proper arrangements on his end and I think he can. So I’m afraid I’ll have to ask for a money order of about twenty-five bucks. Guess I was unduly apprehensive about Dick. I mean about what I wrote in my last letter. It doesn’t seem (like) six months ago that I last saw him but our next visit seems to excite me as much as the first. One of our more strenuous activities last week was a twenty-five mike hike and still I can feel some effects from it. Before I reached that last mile I thought I would collapse and never get up but somehow I did. Well so much for tonight.