Dear Folks:
Well back in Lewis again and it seems good-very good, but we won’t be here for long.
Among two important things to come in this letter the first is that those elusive things called furloughs are definitely out. So make no plans on that count or any count. Next is I’m going overseas soon perhaps next week. I believe it will be a long trip for our CO said we were drawing canned rations for one hundred days. Incidental to this has been inspections and cleaning of material and loading trucks. All day has been a fast one, checking all equipment and turning some in and getting some. Most of our shots will be taken over, and I must have my eyes examined so I can secure extra pairs. I will send my sleeping bag home. We even had to go thru our billfolds and obliterate any identifying printing. Suppose it will be like this till we leave.
I can imagine how you will feel when you first know but we’ll just make the most of it and hope it’s over soon. Most of us feel low not getting any leave at all and I’m foremost among them. I’ll send you letters steadily and let you have my new address as soon as possible. I’ll be expecting a stream of letters now and some pictures once in a while—they will be everything. Your letters will not bear any foreign address but will go to an APO in San Francisco. Suppose I won’t be able to say much but enough to let you know about me.
If you want me to call, you can wire me for the date.
Now you keep your mugs in the breeze Mom and Dad and I’ll bring back some sweet trophies. Nothing will happen to me. I’ll write very soon again.