Dear Folks:
I’ve been taking it easy all day and so that the day won’t be completely wasted, I’ll top it off with a letter. Today is Sunday so this morning at eleven went to church. The chapel looks better all the time and now it is very attractive. Over the altar is a white ceiling of cloth that looks like it might be a parachute, and on the sides is blue silk cloth or rayon. The altar is lighted and has four candles on each side. Of course we don’t have the peacetime choirs but instead a speaker system plays hymn recordings and makes it seem much more like church.
I was just looking at your picture you sent me in 1942. Everyone thinks you look too young to be my folks.
Nothing new on getting home – just have to wait.
Plan to go to the show tonight and I hope there isn’t a flash red to interrupt it.
I’m plumb out of news so better call this enough for one more time.