Dear Folks:
Just a short letter written with sleepy eyes before another day of this fast moving world is over. Had a letter from you today. Yesterday morning I saw Dick for a few moments on his way to Honolulu to spend a pass. I had wanted to go with him and do some shopping but we couldn’t get-together – so I gave him some money and some suggestions and told him to see what he could find. I’m anxious to see how he did. We will send it soon. He looked very good and in good humor. Speculation as to the future are rampant now and everyone feels a certain amount of anxiety and expectancy as to what will develop.
Whenever I become worried or feel under, I feel a lot of encouragement just writing you a letter and for a little while reminiscing and forgetting what is coming. It’s hard for me to imagine being a fellow who didn’t have what I have to look forward to at home. Not much this time but it’s something.