Dear Folks:
I haven’t written to you for six days now because in that time I have had the dengue fever and it does a pretty effective job of making you feel miserable and putting you out. My fever was up pretty good for the first few days and now it has gone although I still feel hot and have a red doppler rash. The fever hits your muscles and every joint aches, especially the small of your back. Was around today but felt too weak to do much. I think I weigh about one twenty-eight so I’m underweight a little. The menu consists largely of dehydrated foods and that scourge of the army ‘Spam’ and as I don’t eat them, don’t get fat. We have not had an ice cold drink or dessert in four months. Oh! but I do have beside me again tonight a bottler of Pabst beer and that will soothe my ruffled feelings. It is about as warm as a leftover dinner but I’m getting used to that.
Last night I received the letter about the proposed move to Bridgeport. I thought about going back home too but I hope Dad takes the job. I think it’s a darn good break and I’m sure Bridgeport will be a fine place to live. But as you said don’t move into a house that isn’t nicer than the one we have now. Dick and I will probably be here quite a while yet and you will have plenty of time to fix the place up, but it would be disheartening to not come back to the anything but the best. Minatare may fold up someday and the idea of living in Bridgeport sounds good to me. So I say go ahead and although we may not like it now we’ll like it more in the future. What will you do with the house and the store?
Had a letter from Dick last night. Good to hear from him. Well I’m plenty tired and feel weak so I’m going to stop for tonight.
Lots of love,