Dear Folks:
I want to see ‘Yank at Eton’ at the show but first better answer yours and Nancy’s letters. I know from the tone of your letter that you are becoming very concerned, especially about Dick but I believe that if you could see him now as I have, you would feel that he would take good care of himself. I can understand your references to Dick’s pictures. They do work hard and undergo strenuous training but it’s all for their own good. I know that the Army is broadening him and making him aware of things he didn’t realize before. Next Sunday I hope to fly over and spend five days with him. This time we will get the pictures you wanted last time. Guess, I didn’t mention Thanksgiving in my letters. We had everything and plenty to eat. After dinner most of us took it pretty easy and don’t think I didn’t spend minutes thinking about home. I don’t think I thanked you enough for the box you sent. The chain was the perfect thing—as a matter of fact I had lost my GI one a few days before so yours came at the right time. When the rush is over I will send you some things. Tomorrow my pictures will be done and will send them right away. I think they are pretty good too. The pictures of Dan and Carol are extremely good and I couldn’t help but think how fast and how much they have grown. Yesterday, Sunday, spent a full day and saw a good show. Went to the local football game that compares to the game on Thanksgiving at home. Before the regular game, was a duel between two barefooted teams, and then a kicking exhibition barefooted. They can kick a ball sixty to seventy-five yards. Dan should see them. Then a small airplane landed on the football field and presented the captains of the teams with the ball for the game. Anyway, I had a good time and lots of fun looking at the people and watching the cheering sections. Haven’t written to B. Emick yet but guess I ought to. Well, believe this is about enough for this time. Had my eyes examined today for a new pair of glasses—reading so much evenings puts a strain on them but they are not bad at all. Plan to have a bridge put in for the tooth I lost and the dentist, a civilian, says it will be about $30.00 so might have to ask for some more money. Well let’s make this goodnight and don’t you worry.