Dear Folks:
The [missing] my opportunity to write you before [missing] him at bay for a while [missing] Good Friday and I attended a four o’clock service in a converted chapel. It was a short service but I felt much better after attending. You should see some of the places the chaplains have services and whenever we sing a particular hymn, my mind goes back to Greeley and my church days of long ago and sometimes I expect to get a little unity recalling them. I am busier in the [missing] than I have ever been before and I [missing] to slip by with a great rush. Talked [missing] tried to but will not get to him tomorrow. [missing] messages are in good shape now and I’m looking forward to the cookies and especially the [missing]
I certainly do recall those Easter Sundays and would like to see your decoration job on the house and I hope it won’t be long before I can help pack and hide Steve’s basket.