Dear folks,
Just returned from a movie and it was one I almost wished I hadn’t seen. It seems like I get easily irritated anymore and upset on little notice. I get so anxious to get home once again and see what it’s all like back there.
Had a letter from Dad today and I knew it wouldn’t do any good to write about the (Christmas) packages—they’re just gone and that’s all there is to it. No more have arrived.
I’m feeling much better the past few days and I think the trouble has cleared up at least temporarily. Been sleeping good and getting to bed early.
I don’t know what to write about–there is damned little. Read an interesting news item today about a speech by General Stilwell. He is complaining about too little publicity for the guys that are really fighting this war, and too much glamorization as pictured by writers and movies. The hero of almost every story is an Air Corps officer. The guys in the infantry are the guys that should really get the credit. You should see them and us too, in combat. They look like tramps out of a hobo jungle with beards, dirt coated clothes, and smelling like a used sardine can. They don’t have a lot of movie-minded sentiments and hero ideas, and plenty of things will probably get them sore when they get back. They live under conditions so tough that even a narrow cot would be a luxury. I wish they could see it back there and then if they still have the guts to strike and to complain over shortages, shoot ‘em. There’s no use getting hot tempered I know for it does very little good, but I’m liable to get aroused if when I get back I run into such a contemptible person. When I know what you are doing and then think of the hypocritism by service some people are so adept at, I can’t help but feel it’s just an Army game with the country back of you only so far as their personal enjoyment and material gains are not menaced. I guess every one has a letter like this inside him every once in a while and tonight was mine.
I think about you often and wonder if the anxiety and waiting are aging you before your time. I would like to get home more for your benefit than mine.