Dearest Grandma:
My heart seems so full when I think of you and what has just happened that I’m afraid my letter may be tainted by the times. My heart also just leaped at the bulletin saying 50 unidentified planes were over San Francisco. Hope to God they aren’t more Japs. I worry about you and suppose you will be under blackouts if you stay where you are. I can hardly believe it has all come to pass and still wonder if I’m dreaming.
I’m afraid all our Christmas plans have gone astray but perhaps we will even yet be given two or three days.
Know Mother will be greatly worried about us and all of you especially being on the coast, and hope she will keep calm and just stay.
Goodbye for now. Folks tell me all you can and I’ll be thinking about you all the time and pray for your safety. Enclosed is a picture of me.
Lots of love,