Dear Folks:
I guess it’s been sometime since I’ve written—hadn’t realized the time had gone by.
Today was walking on the edge of town taking some pictures with another fellow when we were picked up by an elderly Swedish couple and taken to dinner. They were the swellest people and showed us all around their 55 acre orange and lemon ranch. The place is located atop a hill overlooking Escondido. A very beautiful place and he was especially proud of his pumping system and fine home. The old fellow is a man of varied talents one of them being fabrication of rayon and silk raigo. I never saw such a beautiful carpet. Very intricate and exacting. It is a hobby with him and he has had big offers from large firms. Another of his talents is playing the guitar. He used to broadcast over a Los Angeles stations and give lessons. He entertained us royally and never stopped talking.
Got acquainted last week with a girl with a car so last nite we went to a dance a ways out of town. Eleven o’clock is pretty early to get in though for a dance.
Last weekend went to San Diego. They all missed me at the ferry so after I waited until twelve June and I decided to go back across. We hit some hot spots and fooled around until we missed the last ferry back so sat in the police station til it started again. Dick and Porky brought me back Sunday afternoon. I think Dick will get on soon by the way he talks and what he said they told him. Gram says he is going to night school for plumbing. Guess Porky got a job in a grocery store.
Well my application for the Air Corps came to naught. Just after I applied an order came out to the effect that all reenlistments and enlistments in the regular army were suspended. So I’ll be in this outfit from now on. Suppose drafters will be taken in the Air Corps if they are qualified. Under a new order anyone who feels he is qualified can apply for an officer in the infantry. A high school education is all that is required. I’m thinking about it but the infantry is a dangerous place to be.
I have no idea where Purkey Berg is. He is in the infantry. The last I heard he was still at Roberts but he has probably left by now. We have been given German haircuts too. I had my eyes checked and was given a slip for a new set at my own expense. The examination showed that my right eye has become worse.
I believe at Schwaner’s the eyes checked 20/60 and here it checked 20/80. I haven’t had myself measured yet but think I’ll probably get new lenses for the old frames. I may get new ones though as we are allowed a forty percent reduction. My eyes feel better without glasses than they used to.
I don’t believe the article was mine. I never wrote on such a subject.
Guess this is everything that’s of any importance and got to write a letter to Kate.