Dear folks:
I guess it’s about time I took myself in hand and began to start writing again. Sort of had a vacation last week being in San Diego. Fifteen of us were sent there for guard duty at the fire central station and it so happened that I was a KP man so I had every nite off and went to Gram’s during all my time off. It was a real visit with the folks and when I didn’t sit around with them Dick and I went out. We took in a couple of dances and a show and then Gram and I went to a show one nite. We had it so soft there that I hated to come back to Escondido. As we had no officer there we had only two meals a day; at ten and three so I was free from about four o’clock on, not much KP for fifteen men. My last nite there I stayed overnite with Gram. Dick seems pretty contented and I think he likes his job with Cudahy’s. He’s getting heavier and huskier and is a swell guy. The folks do everything for him. One afternoon as I was going to Grams, I met Dick on the ferry and he sure looked funny in his old clothes. He has a white cap with a little black bill that makes him look like an armchair engineer.
When I got back a carton of cigarettes and a box of candy from Pat and Uncle Harold were waiting for me. Some fudge that was broken up but good.
I’ve begun to read a good deal lately and by the way if you ever want to send me something make it a two-bit ‘pocketbook’. I got that book “Kabloona’ last nite and just finished reading Lewis’ ‘Mantrap’. Currently I’m about half through ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and last week finished “We Are Not Alone.’
Hope Minatare comes through in the states meet or did they get there? I read the clippings Hank sent to Dick. Also got Stub’s letter. Good to get it.
Well the war gets more involved and blacker for us, so it seems, by every communiqué. I can hardly believe it is almost spring already, but a spring that will make history. By the papers we are sending great reinforcements over but they are a mere dribble at present.
I’m just the same, had a pretty bad cold last week but it’s coming around now. Well I’m going to write to Pat and Katie and as I’m about out of news so will put the curtain now.